Fact Sheet for Natchez-On-Top-of-the-Hill Historic District
District Name:Natchez-On-Top-of-the-Hill
City:NatchezCounty: Adams
Listing Date:17 Sep 1979
Number of Resources:679
District Abbreviation:TOP
Preparer:Mimi Miller
Although famous primarily for its antebellum suburban mansions and grand townhouses, Natchez has an impressive and remarkably old town area which is composed primarily of 19th century buildings. Older even than New Orleans, Natchez, during the 19th century, was politically, commercially, and culturally pre-eminent in the region which now includes Mississippi and upper Alabama. The boundaries of the Natchez-on-Top-of-the-Hill Historic District are based on the street grid plan of the Spanish as depicted on the 1864 Map of the Defenses of Natchez.
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