Location Information
(for the house)
Address:1019 Adams Street
City/County:Vicksburg, Warren County
Architectural Information
Construction Date:c.1870
Architectural Styles(s):Eclectic/Composite
No. of Stories:2
Registration Information
NR District Name:Grove Street-Jackson Street (2007)
    NR Status:Non-Contributing
    Element No.:4
Local Designation Information
Local District Name:Historic Vicksburg District
click here for additional information on this district.
This two-story, three-bay townhouse has been extensively remodeled. It has been covered in brick veneer and the porch has been thoroughly reworked. The 2007 re-survey noted that the county desires to demolish this builiding and replace with parking lot.
Brief Description
A two-story brick-over-clapboard Italianate townhouse, facing west, with an asphalt-covered hip
roof pierced by two corbelled brick interior flush chimneys. The two-tiered, full-width front
galleried is supported by replacement metal columns and railing on elevated tiled porch deck approached by brick stairs. The dentiled cornice is enhanced with paired wooden brackets. There is a two-story brick addition on the left side with a single bay. The original plan has three bays: two floor-length 6/9 double-hung windows filled with modern sash and a single-leaf paneled wooden door with sidelights and transom and a heavy entablature. Entry consists of paneled wood door in Greek Revival style door surround with seven-light transom below dentiled entablature and three-light sidelights with paneled bulkheads below. The brick veneer, metal columns and railing, and addition were added in the 1970s. Noncontributing because of substantial alterations.