Fact Sheet for Spengler's Corner Boundary Increase Historic District
District Name:Spengler's Corner Boundary Increase
City:JacksonCounty: Hinds
Listing Date:24 Jan 2019
Number of Resources:17
District Abbreviation:SC-BIA
Preparer:Nancy Bell
The Spengler's Corner Historic District (Boundary Increase and Additional Documentation) is listed on the National Register of Historic Places for its significance under Criterion A-Conservation and Criterion C-Architecture. It includes not only the original district which contains a very tight collection of mid-19th to early 20th-century commercial buildings, but expands the boundary to the south and west to include buildings that add to our understanding of the commercial, institutional and governmental architectural history of the capital city. These buildings taken as a whole, illustrate the rise and fall of the area economically, as well as the early influence of historic preservation in the state.
View National Register Nomination Form