Fact Sheet for Farish Street Neighborhood Historic District
District Name:Farish Street Neighborhood
City:JacksonCounty: Hinds
Listing Date:13 Mar 1980
Number of Resources:698
District Abbreviation:FAR
Sponsorship:HPD staff
Preparer:Adele Cramer
Historically significant as an economically independent black community, the Farish Street Neighborhood Historic District is the largest such community in the state. The area retains historical associations with black professionals who achieved prominence on state, local, and national levels; black businessmen who owned their own shops; and black craftsmen who constructed many of the buildings in the district. Architecturally, the district is an excellent record of vernacular building types from c.1860 through the 1940s. The majority of the buildings were built between 1890 and 1930, reflecting the growth and prosperity of Jackson and the neighborhood during that period. The fact that two buildings are thought to be antebellum is also of paramount importance to the city, which retains only nine other structures believed to predate the Civil War.
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